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The Indomitable Human Mind

(Reprinted with permission) ELIZABETH NICKSON | MAR 09, 2024

Absurdistan anticipates a surge of power, passion. and commitment to life world-wide.

One of the more unnerving revelations of January ’24, was that the vaccine and the virus attack the pineal gland, the seat of the soul, if eastern mystics are to be believed. It is through the pineal gland that God’s voice can be heard by the pure of heart, and sometimes the impure. Added to 5G, wireless, glyphosate and other chemicals, we are in a world of trouble.

To be more precise and less New Age, according to Dr Michael Nehls, the men and women who designed the virus and vaccine, created the spike to specifically attack that part of the brain where our individuality, creativity, curiosity and fearlessness are to be found. They want to murder our souls, to eliminate the possibility of this:

The Instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul.

Dr. Nehl’s book, forwarded by Naomi Wolf, goes into excruciating detail about the spike cleaving to the S1/S2 site in the brain, in which sits the index of our memory, and thereby shuts down adult neogenesis, the ability of the human mind to create, and thus to grow. To shut down the mental immune system, erasing, in point of fact, part of our souls.

The vaccine he claims, looks like an attempt to shut down the drive to take risks, to go out into the world and take it on, shift it. The specific “cluster of differentiation”, they attempted to destroy is TLR4. The spike of the virus and vaccine crosses the blood brain barrier and cleaves to this cluster, the cluster which holds our history.

If you are new to Absurdistan, you probably don’t know that my mother was used in one of MKUltra’s mind control experiments in the 50’s and 60’s – specifically Subproject 68.

My mother’s first day of college

There were 150 subprojects, many located in California near the military bases and the Stanford Research Institute, many of those exploiting the ferment of the flower children revolution, but also all through the U.S., and no doubt the world. It was the CIA who seeded the counter-culture with LSD. It is believed that Charles Manson and the Unibomber were subjects of MKUltra. The Grateful Dead, John Phillips and countless others were witting or unwitting collaborators in the CIA’s effort to break the minds of those kids who wanted no more war, and a more compassionate America, with drugs. These books here and here investigate the claim. My senior academic cousins took acid with Owsley, when they were teaching at Berkley in the early 60’s. Owsley wasn’t a “reclusive acid impressario”, he was CIA. This was the beginning of the CIA’s pushing drugs into the American mainstream. This wasn’t a ‘natural” evolution, it was meticulously planned and executed to create a culture of death, of necrophilia, of despair. That way we wouldn’t create a new world where the powerful would be eclipsed, their fortunes eviscerated. Heartily endorsed by the left, because they believed the only way to create a socialist revolution in the U.S., was to destroy hope and civic peace.

You can look at liberals or Democrats or Republicans or RINOs as natural enemies; you can also look at them, as victims and agents of an one hundred year push to destroy the hope of the world. Every thought they have has been given to them to think. The left particularly, is entirely the creation of the CIA and Tavistock with the affirmation and support of corporate America and Socialist Internationale.

Subproject 68 was established as fact through a series of lawsuits, some via suing the CIA, the hospital, the university, the Canadian government, and the bloody evil and corrupt Rockefeller foundation which should be shut down and its wealth distributed to its many many victims. It is the apex predator foundation, and purely evil.

Through discovery, and some really solid reporting from journalists like Anne Collins, we know a lot of what they were doing. Which was essentially bust the human back to infantile status and rebuild her. They used curare, insulin shock, massive repeated abusive ECT’s called Page-Russells, and a lotta drugs, including speed, LSD and sodium pentothol used together with methamphetamine in their interrogations of my mother, to discover whether she had taken on board her new installed memories. If not, they would put her to sleep, mask her senses and using a football helmet rigged with speakers, repeat hundreds of thousands of times, her new memories. This was called psychic driving. I have my mother’s psychiatric records because of those law suits. They are truncated but in fact, tell the story.

My mother’s first child died, which triggered post-partum depression. Basically she went into the Allan Memorial for two weeks to treat her paralyzing anxiety and within a few years, as the CIA required, was diagnosed as having severe paranoid schizophrenia. The CIA needed people who were only mildly ill, which they could mis-diagnose. Every time she tried to escape - she tried three times - they upped her diagnosis. She was not a paranoid schizophrenic, but she (and we) carried that curse for decades. I didn’t have any more children because of that curse.

When she was let out the second time, she had lost her memory. I was six, and it terrified me. Her personality – vibrant, sharp intelligence, funny – had been replaced by someone very very gentle and somewhat confused. Someone fragile who needed to be looked after. Again, I was six, and the oldest and that is what I saw.

“Who’s that?” she’d whisper when the housekeeper came into the sitting room. “Hello, dear, who are you?” to my best friend who lived across the street and whom she’d seen every day for three years.

Most of subproject 68’s subjects didn’t recover and there is a direct action lawsuit from the children who lost a parent and gained a lifelong charge, losing their innocence, their sense of safety, their strength, and replacing it with weakness and disarray.

My mother did recover and I’ll tell you how; it is instructive to everyone who had Covid, and who was vaccinated. Who has been poisoned, their brain altered without their permission. You can rebuild and more; you can thrive.

But what happened to me, when I discovered this at the age of 39, is also instructive. I had always been oriented towards a spiritual path, a seeker, a compulsive reader and studier. Around the age of 17, I was in a study group with the smartest boys at the school across the street, and we compulsively read and argued every religious classic published, late into the night for two years. That investigation continued throughout my life.

At the time I found out what had happened to her, I was interviewing torture victims and the falsely imprisoned in the Mideast and Africa for Time Inc. Courtesy of MKUltra I am an empath, a child who learned to read emotions in order to survive. I felt the agony of these men and women, I absorbed the stories into my body. My world view shattered. I no longer saw the developing world as something filled with gentle people and hope. I saw it as a torture chamber, where people had no rights, and were subject to the will of Leviathan every single day.

And hovering over it was the knowledge that my mother had experienced the same thing. Trapped in a hospital, drugged, shocked, and shocked again for days, then weeks. For no reason but to give who, I wondered, data about how to break us.

I collapsed. I developed severe headaches, so blinding no painkiller could touch them. Three days a week, I’d lie on the floor of my mews house off the Portobello Road, whimpering in pain. My dog wanted a divorce from me. I wanted a divorce from me. The Dark Night of the Soul, which is what I was experiencing, is supposed to only last 1000 days. It felt like ten years.

Andrew Harvey, a living Christian mystic, believes the whole world is experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul right now. Harvey’s politics are uninformed to the point of ignorance, but this brief video explains his theory, and I think in this at least he is right. Also, his first book, here, blew me away. This describes to the moment what I experienced during my grim awakening:

What the human race is experiencing is a comprehensive overwhelming dark night process in which all the illusions and all the institutions and all the concepts and all the dogmas that we have created our identity around are being systematically demolished and destroyed by the divine.

And when you hear that from the ego by which I mean from Sam or Jonathan or Christa’s ego, it’s terrifying, you are terrified.

But when you go into the depths of the mystic tradition and when you understand beyond thought that what the dark night is, is a potential birth canal for a wholly new level of evolutionary power. presence and passion and compassion and commitment to life.


A post shared by @sacredearthactivism

That is where we are going. We just have to grit our way through this and try to enjoy it. We will, finally, throw off our chains.

Somewhat like the excessive ECT and drugs used to destroy my mother’s memory, the vaccine and the virus were designed to shatter what Nehl’s calls the index of our memory. They mean to destroy those memories with fear. Hence the non-stop manufactured terrors inflicted on us. As Nehl’s explains, at the end of a normal day, our egos are tired, defences are down, and at that time, during the nightly news, or while watching the unrestrained violence courtesy of Netflix, Disney, Prime, Apple, HBO, the shock of this crap overrides our daily memories, some of which were probably pretty nice, pleasant, and replaces them with fear and panic and depression and the knowledge of deceit and evil.

If assaulted when you are tired, the index of your memory will decant the memory, say, of your birthday party in 2013, and replace it with the ghastly murder of a character you have come to identify with on Netflix, or the memory of the twin towers falling, last summer’s catastrophic forest fires, October 7th, the Ukraine war. All ginned up to scare us into our small weak selves.

Slowly erasing our personhood, our cultural and ethnic identity, our ancestral memory.

And it is working. Sociologists and psychologists report that Gen Z is the weakest, most frightened generation in history. They can’t get anything done. They have plans, but they never effect them, and are in constant need of reassuring. Their emotional affect, how they feel about anything at a given time, is paramount.

The purpose? Nehl’s describes:

Instead, the Grosse Umbruch,2 (Great Upheaval) as Schwab himself aptly translates it in his native German, will abolish much of what fundamentally defines us as human beings—our culture and the established rules of coexistence—and replace it with a straitjacket that no human being would voluntarily allow him-or herself to be forced into.

I followed my mother’s footsteps to recovery. What she did, finally, was exercise, excessively at first, by which I mean skiing through a blizzard on the local 9 hole golf course, then picking up golf and becoming ladies champion year after year. She had studied piano as a girl, and picked it up too, enrolling at the McGill School of Music, taking a degree. She practised when I was a child, six hours a day. furiously, classical music only, Christmas carols at Christmas. She rebuilt her brain. And her body. When she was older, she took up tennis and with the same focus and discipline became Ladies Senior Champion at her club.

She had suffered the worst that can be inflicted on a modern middle-class woman and refused to give up, and sit in a dark room for the rest of her life, as her fellow patients did.

She became fearless. She had faced the worst and triumphed. She became, in a way, meta-human. She became what we are all becoming, aware of our programming, aware of our freedom, and aware of our power to take it (expletive deleted) back.

Please note this happening yesterday. Note too that most of the participants are young men, stepping up and refusing to be mashed into numbness and fear, feminized. And they are thrilling to the enduring spirit of the American Republic, the one thing the evil of this world have hated for the past three hundred years.


[ED: This article comes with several visual aids that can be found at the source:]

Elizabeth Nickson was trained at the London Bureau of Time Magazine, spending seven years there, ending as European Bureau Chief of LIFE Magazine. She published a novel, The Monkey Puzzle Tree with Knopf and Bloomsbury. She has written for the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail, Harper’s Magazine, the Sunday Times Magazine, British Vogue, the Independent, the Guardian, and the Observer. Elizabeth has moonlighted writing for the Daily Mail (fun!) and covered the collections in Paris and London for the Toronto Sun and the LA Weekly. She is currently making an impact at

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