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Who bears the standard!

The Rubicon


Rob Bogunovic, editor of The Rubicon Free Press applies the mirror of history in his article The Rubicon, "In the year 49 BCE, senators in Rome were threatening to declare Julius Caesar an enemy of the people...

​It was against the law for Caesar to march an army into Italy, so the Rubicon marked the point of no return. Crossing the Rubicon meant marching against all the established powers of Rome. The decision to cross was not just Caesar’s. Every soldier in the legion had to make a choice, and they all faced the same danger – death by imperial execution. When Caesar crossed, he became an outlaw, and when the 13th followed him, they became outlaws.

When his enemies learned that Caesar was fast marching towards them, they panicked, they quarrelled, and they fled.


Today we cross the Rubicon. For many years many of us have quarreled with the established powers of an increasingly totalitarian state. We have fought back against the media, the political class, the bureaucrats, and all the apparatuses of power they martial to their cause.


Recognizing the need for a free press to serve and act as a voice of the people, we advance."

Participate. Demonstrate. Articulate.


Taking inspiration from the Right Honourable Brian Peckford, previous premier of Newfoundland and Labrador and the last surviving creator of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982), as he stated during various appearances in 2022/23, "Participate. Demonstrate. Articulate."


Free Press Members have access to PARTICIPATE in the social media channels that various groups, teams, congregations, clubs, vendors, realtors, restaurants, and more will open up for their audiences and supporters.


Free Press Members have access to DEMONSTRATE their character and style as dynamic members of an authentic community built on the principles of free press.


Free Press Members have access to ARTICULATE their own voices and to freely exercise their own journalistic integrity in community news and stories.


The Rubicon Free Press asks you one simple question, "Got news?"


The Standard


As far back as Roman warfare and medieval warfare the standard-bearer had an important role on the battlefield.


The standard-bearer acted as an indicator of where the position of a military unit was, with the bright, colourful standard or flag acting as a strong visual beacon to surrounding soldiers.


Soldiers were typically ordered to follow and stay close to the standard or flag in order to maintain unit cohesion, and for a single commander to easily position his troops by only positioning his standard-bearer, typically with the aid of musical cues or loud verbal commands.


It was an honourable position carrying a considerable risk, as a standard-bearer would be a major target for the opposing side's troops seeking to capture the standard or pull it down. (source:

The patrons who participate will be highlighted here. They represent the spirit of goodwill and integrity in their community, and we recognize them before their peers, their supporters, and those they serve.

With your Patronage, you, too, can step into the fray! Your pen is as mighty as your sword. You are not alone. You are never alone!

The Proposal

Patronage (clientela) was the distinctive relationship in ancient Roman society between the patronus ("patron") and their cliens ("client"). The relationship was hierarchical, but obligations were mutual. The patron was the protector, sponsor, and benefactor of the client; the technical term for this protection was patrocinium.

Although typically the client was of inferior social class, a patron and client might even hold the same social rank, but the former would possess greater wealth, power, or prestige that enabled him to help or do favors for the client. From the emperor at the top to the commoner at the bottom, the bonds between these groups found formal expression in legal definition of patrons' responsibilities to clients.

Patronage relationships were not exclusively between two people and also existed between a general and his soldiers, a founder and colonists, and a conqueror and a dependent foreign community. (source:

Or a Free Press and the Providers of the ink and the paper...


We have five (5) seats for Patrons Quinque of Year One. Your financial sponsorship of CAD5000 provides financial patronage toward the next year of executive, corporate, online, and offline development of The Rubicon Free Press.

As a token of our gratitude for your patronage and initiative, The Rubicon Free Press will provide you with

  • One Lifetime Premium Member Plus plan for your business

  • One-year Billet on Standard-bearer Row

  • One-year Executive Consultation from, the parent company of The Rubicon Free Press


Become Our Patron


Journalistic integrity?

Authentic community?

For $5,000?!

Yes? Yes. Yes!

Commit. Now. Email:

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