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Timothy Knight


Mr Knight has a diploma in business management and administration, minoring in marketing and computer programming. He has worked with five start-up companies, including four years as general manager for a niche chemical manufacturer in Vancouver where the company saw $2,000,000 in sales during his last year, prior to taking a permanent disability leave. Currently, he runs his own business consulting firm out of his home in Chilliwack BC.

Raised in a conservative parochial Irish Catholic culture in Newfoundland, he was surrounded by a community that was keenly invested in family values, protecting widows and providing for orphans. The issues facing healthcare workers and the current education crisis motivates him to bring his experience, creativity and executive skills to those at the grassroots level of a burgeoning new opportunity.

He has been active in the Fraser Valley Regional Association of the People's Party of Canada since 2019, having managed strategy and marketing for three PPC candidates in the Chilliwack, Abbotsford, and Mission districts during the 2021 election as acting president and recently as current president. Mr Knight was also acting president of the BC Conservative Party Chilliwack riding association during 2022 and early 2023, and is now a director at large for this provincial political party.

Mr Knight is also active in executive business consulting and offers professional support for a number of grassroots organizations in Fraser Valley. His consulting business byline sums his approach to recent developments in the local and national economy, "A 'new normal' small business 'mandate' for the 'great reset' in a 'post-nation state' can be a model for success."

His business philosophy is simple, "be innocent as doves but as cunning as serpents".

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